Harvest Availability Issue
Incident Report for Harvest
Around 11:08am (EDT) this morning, a small configuration change was made to Harvest's load balancers. This change caused Harvest to serve approximately 50% of requests incorrectly for around 3 minutes. This meant that half of requests to Harvest failed. The error was quickly reverted, but unfortunately, because of browser caching, some customers continued to suffer from the earlier error for longer than 3 minutes. In fact, it is possible that some customers are still being served errors by Harvest.

If you are receiving an error on Harvest, please close your browser, reopen your browser, and then reconnect to Harvest. You might need to clear your browser's cache as well. If you are still having trouble, please get in contact with support@harvestapp.com.

We are very sorry for this problem, and the inconvenience this caused to all customers.
Posted Apr 15, 2015 - 16:00 UTC